“Serving the community since 1935.”

Our History

JCI La Crosse, chartered in 1935, is part of the Wisconsin Junior Chamber (Jaycees), the U.S. Junior Chamber and Junior Chamber International (JCI), a worldwide federation of young professionals and entrepreneurs between the ages of 18 and 41. The Jaycees are active in more than 8,000 chapters in 180 nations and territories. The U.S. Junior Chamber founder Henry Giessenbier’s vision of providing young people with leadership through community service can be broken down into four Areas of Opportunity: Business, Individual, Community, and International. Simply put, the purpose of the local chapter is to become a force for good in the community, determining community needs and providing solutions by planning and facilitating community service projects. In the act of serving, members receive hands-on experience, which translates to the enhancement of personal growth and the development of valuable leadership skills. This is the total Junior Chamber Concept.

Projects and Events

The JCI La Crosse chapter is very active in our community with many projects and events throughout the year. Click on the images below to learn more!